Quote.Transport Reviews
Company Login | Info For Auto Transport Companies

Auto Transport Company FAQ
What kind of quality is the auto transport lead?
First off, we are not providing leads. We are proving you with the opportunity to respond with a price to a potential customers price request. You are NOT provided contact information which would typically be provided with a lead.

However, even though not leads the value (quality for the price paid) will be excellent. The customers using our program are rather exclusive to Transport Reviews since most of the traffic on Transport Reviews comes from natural search engine rankings.

Can I call, email, or contact the customer?
No. You are not provided any contact information for the visitor requesting a price. The customer is provided your company's contact information along with your price, allowing them to research your company and start an order.

The good news is the side effect of not providing companies contact information is more price requests. Many individuals are weary of giving companies contact information in fear of spam, or excessive phone calls. Those customers in turn can feel comfortable requesting a price through Quotes.TR allowing you an opportunity for the business.

Can We Use Our Company's Automated Pricing System?
As of the current version of Quotes.TR automated pricing systems are not supported. Our plan is provide automated pricing options with future versions of the system. Additional setup and/or monthly fees are likely.

Is There A Contract?
There is no minimum time commitment. You can choose to cancel at any time. However, there is a contract to disclose important cancellation terms. Important items include:
  • The setup fee is non-refundable, even in the case that Valley Solutions, Inc. discontinues the Quotes.TR program.
  • If your company is inactive (not current on your monthly fees) for 31 calendar days or more you may be required to pay an additional setup fee at the time you reactivate your account.
  • Valley Solutions, Inc. reserves the right to do business with any entity we choose. We also reserve the right to stop doing business with any company without notice.
  • Valley Solutions, Inc. reserves the right to change prices at any time with no less than seven calendar days of notice.
It is important to understand that this program is new and we are protecting our options to act in the best interests of our company as the program develops. If your company is not comfortable with the risk of being an early adopter, you are welcome to join at some point in the future.

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